Serve Up The Green Beer! Oh...And A Shot The Geek Freak of the Week!

TOP OF THE WEEKEND TO YA FELLOW GEEKS! Before you start drinking gallons upon gallons of green beer and pints of Guinness this weekend to celebrate your Irish heritage...get ready for some top notch geek freak news! But first...did you see the Brie Larson and Sam Jackson Carpool Karaoke? Watch it sober first then after a few drinks watch it again! They have great chemistry and I could see them in a buddy-cop movie someday.

James Gunn is Back!

Wait...what?! No you aren't drunk, you read that right! The Avengers won and reverse the snap made by Disney! James Gunn has been reinstated as the Director for Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol 3!

However, don't expect that movie to come out soon...don't forget, after Gunn was fired a year ago Warner Brothers stole him to direct and write the next Suicide Squad film, which he is still doing! So looks like James Gunn will be busy for a while. Looks like order has finally been restored.

The Endgame Is Here!

And they are going to take the fight to Thanos' farm and rough him up! Or...are they? Okay, by now you have probably watched the trailer about 50 times (or more). The new suits that they are walking in do look like space suits. But, I think they are QUANTUM suits. I'm not the first one to theorize this. After the trailer came out, most changed their minds like I did. If they were space suits, why was Tony and Nebula there? I know I know, Thanos is in the space so they need those suits to go there. But....where's Thor, Captain Marvel, Rocket, and Hulk?

Here's my crazy theory. There are two teams doing different things! A space team and a time travel team.

Space Team: Thor has reason to take down Thanos (he killed the ship his people were on...and his brother) Rocket wants revenge for Groot (and I'm sure Rocket has his eye on the gauntlet and wants to sell it) PLUS Captain Marvel is all-powerful and probably the best weapon against the mad titan. Oh...and Hulk wants to beat up Thanos again for round two. So they are probably off in space fighting him. So what are Captain America and the rest doing? They are the next team....

Time Travel Team: Well...Ant-Man is with them. THEY ARE GOING TO THE QUANTUM REALM and the suits are similar to Ant-Mans suit tech to protect them from the the harshness of the Quantum Realm (they did say it in one of the Ant-Man films but I forget the techno talk they used). Crazy right? But makes the most sense! In the trailer they said "whatever it takes" and they are the Avengers! This is what they do best.

I can't wait for April 26th.

Plan Your Bathroom Breaks Accordingly

With just a month left HBO has released the run times for the final (whelp) season of Game of Thrones. The first three episodes are pretty standard run times. After becomes intense. When these run times landed on the internet some fans were upset. WHAT?!

Yeah. I guess they expected every episode to be 80 mins. I'm okay with these times, even the ones under an hour. Why? You know we are going to be getting a great episode out of it. Not a lot of filler just action, battle, and great story telling. Who else wants to freeze themselves in a cooler until April 14th? The anticipation is starting to get to me!

The Legends Are Returning

The Arrowverse's favorite time dimensional band of misfits are coming back...and on a day that is very fitting for this show. Monday April 1st aka April Fools Day. You couldn't ask for a more appropriate day for the show to return! I'm not the biggest fan of this show but I think what makes Legends of Tomorrow stand out over the other CW shows is the fact it is a mid-season replacement show. More fans and viewers are inclined to pay attention because they know if they miss an episode they will be lost. The issue with the other CW show is that many complain that there are a lot of filler episodes and somethings just get dragged out to long. I say make ALL the shows like that...but that's above my pay grade. Actually....MAYBE just maybe after the Crisis on Infinite Earth crossover this fall we might get that! Yah...who am I kidding!

Cowabunga Batman!

Black and Green...UNITE! It's the best of two worlds! Ninja Turtles AND Batman in one movie. Before anyone thinks that someone was blazed out of their mind when they came up with this movie concept, it's actually based on a comic series that ran from 2015-2016. I love how Batman doesn't flinch at all when Raph approach him. Batman doesn't get scared of no one or thing! This union of nostalgia comes to the DVD and digital later in the spring.

Real talk. Now I wonder...what kind of pizza would Batman like? Maybe black olives?

Say The Magic Word!

Another reason to love the month of April. SHAZAM! COMES OUT! Warner Brothers released a clip. Enjoy!

I love that Zachary Levi was cast for this one. It's a perfect fit! Oh and to make this even better. Fandango announced some early showings! Saturday, March 23rd (next weekend) at select theaters. Click here to see if you can catch one of them in your area!

I already got my tickets...don't think, just grab em!

This week was intense. I actually had to take some news OUT or else this thing would of been longer. Expect those stories next time (unless for some reason Endgame gets leaked online). Enjoy the green beer and if you're under some kind of haze like Scarecrows fear gas and can't drive...DON'T! Call a friend or get a Uber or Lyft.

I'm Maz and that's the Geek Freak of the Week!

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