First and foremost. You may have seen this the other day, and I've teased this for a while now but it is FINALLY a reality. The Geek Freak of the Week has a little brother...the PODCAST version has arrived! I'll have more on that at the end. There's a lot to cover but what you should do is get to the movies this weekend to see Shazam! It's one of the best reviewed DC movies so no one should have an excuse!
What else happened this week? Oh, right. Avengers broke the internet this past Tuesday. HBO felt unnoticed so they released another Game of Thrones teaser AND there were not one but TWO Joker reveals this week. You know, there are some weeks I'm waiting for something to happen and I go digging for stories while other weeks it's just a lot at once! This one one of the those weeks! Happy April, everyone!
time to say the magic word and kick off this brand new GEEK FREAK OF THE WEEK!

Avengers: Breaks the Internet
And you thought Wreck it Ralph was the only one would could break it. This past Tuesday morning, will be a day we will never forget. Avengers: Endgame tickets went on sale via Fandango and Atom...and it broke everything. It was mayhem. Personally, it took me over six hours to get a ticket for myself. ONE TICKET. If you were trying to get more, I would love to hear how long it took you to get. It seems the issue has been fixed, but if you can't get tickets, Ebay has them going for $5,000...and that doesn't even include popcorn!
And of course, thanks to the internet, we got this wonderful tweet.
Batman Gets Inducted
Along with our Caped Crusader turning 80 this year, Batman is getting another honor this July in San Diego during Comic Con 2019. Opening soon is the brand new San Diego Comic-Con Museum. Attached to that will be the Character Hall of Fame. Want to know who its first inductee will be? You guessed it, Batman himself! The ceremony will take place Wednesday, July 17, the day before Comic Con opens to the masses in San Diego. 2019 is definitely the year of the Bat.
Delete: Felicity
Whoa...uh. This was a shocker. Does Emily Bett Rickards have a new gig? Actually, she does! No, not another TV show. She's going to the Big Apple for an Off-Broadway show. You can check out that story here
Felicity has been with the Arrow since season one and was suppose to be a one-off character. That changed when fans enjoyed her presence and how she interacted with Oliver that she was made a permanent fixture on Team: Arrow. Since the show has traveled to the future a few times, we know Felicity stays around post-Crisis on Infinite Earths. No word yet if Emily Bett is set to appear at all in that crossover this fall or at any point during the final season of Arrow.
Now comes the next question. How is she written off the show?
Use The Force, Chucky
We saw some big Joker news this week, but I already talked about can see that trailer here. However, our favorite animated Joker had a pretty great announcement as well. He is going to be voicing Chucky in the new Child's Play remake!
He's voiced the Joker on and off for decades and has done some other voice over work where he has played a villain. So it's no shock he was asked to come aboard this killing train! Plus, back in 2005 he already voiced Chucky in a Robot Chicken spoof. Need a refresher on that? Click here
Child's Play is in theaters June 21
Winter...Is Here?
Add this to the list of things released this past Tuesday. HBO felt a little left out so they decided while you were waiting for those Avenger tickets, you could get a glimpse into the what lies ahead for Game of Thrones.

Are you freaking out like me? IS THIS THE END OF THE NORTH?! *goes back to happy place*
Just ONE more week left until we get to go back to Westeros and see who wins the Iron Throne!
That's it for this week. I hope you saved your money, between HBO subscriptions and the movies it's starting to add up!
Be sure to take a listen to the brand new Geek Freak of the Week Podcast. If you're thinking it's just the stuff that's post NOPE! I'll be sitting down with friends and others who are knowledgeable in certain areas of the Geek world. It's going to be a lot of fun! Until then, take a listen to the episodes posted. I'm Maz and that's your Geek Freak of the Week! (LISTEN TO THE PODCAST!)