New Releases for Tuesday July 23, 2019


Alita: Battle Angel (Rosa Salazar, Jennifer Connelly)

Hellboy (David Harbour, Milla Jovovich)

Missing Link (Emma Thompson, Hugh Jackman)

Master Z: Ip Legacy Man (Jin Zhang, Dave Bautista)

Assimilate (Joel Courtney, Calum Worthy)


Beyond: Two Sould (PC)

The Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors (PS4, SWITCH) 7/25

Raiden V: Director’s Cut (SWITCH) 7/26

Fire Emblem: Three Houses (SWITCH) 7/26

Kill la Kill: If (PC, PS4, SWITCH) 7/26

Wolfenstein: Youngblood (PC, PS4, XBONE, SWITCH) 7/26

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