David Lee Roth Unloads on Former Bandmates: "I Wasted My Time"

Despite having lots of upcoming plans, including a Las Vegas residency, it seems David Lee Roth still isn't happy about not hitting the road with Van Halen. Sitting down with Debbie Millman's Design Matters podcast several weeks ago, the singer unloaded on who is assumed to be Eddie Van Halen. Asked by Millman, "When have you felt sorry for yourself?" Roth fires off, "I wasted a lot of f**king time waiting around for the guitar player," adding, "Alright, so, I'm not gonna change him." In true Diamond Dave fashion, he continued, "I'm kind of over crybaby alcoholic millionaires bouncing on the end of the mattress taking up folks like your time, going, 'Well you know I feel too-' I feel sorry for a lot of my fellow man when I reflect that God is just." Do you see these recent comments from Roth helping or hurting his relationship with the band?

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