Game of Thrones Showrunners Drop Out of Star Wars Trilogy

Well Disney just dodged a major bullet here with these two GoT showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss. After severe backlash from both fans and critics over how the pair rushed the ending of Game of Thrones' Season 8 so they could move on to other projects. Well those projects are not doing too well since their decision with Benioff's 'Gemini Man' bombing at the box office this past month. Now arguably their most expensive and ambitious project in a new Star Wars trilogy has been pulled out from under them. They'll play it off like a mutual parting of way for the two to focus on their Netflix projects but Disney knew these guys are damaged merchandise. Any Star Wars Media tours would be marred by GoT criticism. Now they are free to hire a new director who chances are will also be replaced as is Disney's Star Wars tradition (Gareth Edwards on Rogue One, Lord and Miller on Solo, Josh Trank on Boba Fett, Colin Trevorrow for Ep. 9).

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