Leftovers Are Great! But Here Is A Fresh Geek Freak of the Week!

Do you have the turkey hangover? That's okay, to read the Geek Freak of the Week there is no intense movement required. Let's geek out!

The Doctor Is In

Finally! We get some information on the next season of Doctor Who. It's not much but it is better than nothing! The teaser reveals that one of the Doctor's oldest foes, the Cybermen, are coming for her and the rest of the companions. Expect the next season (or series as the Brits call it) to arrive in early 2020. Better tune up the Sonic Screwdrivers.

They Can Fly?!

The Rise of Skywalker, the final chapter of the saga we all know and love is just a few weeks away. Disney decided to give us a little sneak peak of what to expect in the next film. Take a look!

Jet packs?! So, let me see if I understand this...these Storm Troopers chose those over visors that could help with their aim at their targets? Well, okay then. It looks cool and a nice upgrade but it's always been a joke around the galaxy that any of the troopers, from the clones to the empire, and now the First Order, were not very good at using their blasters. I guess they thought flying would make them better. Okay then. It's great to see the new cast with some of the retro cast. The Rise of Skywalker comes out December 20th and is going to be one of the longest Star Wars movies. All the prepping you did for Avengers: Endgame should be applied so you are ready for this movie!

The Crisis Is Here!

Ready to see how it all comes to an end? The quick 40 second trailer for Crisis on Infinite Earths is here...and there isn't much. I was expecting something bolder and bigger like some of the past crossover trailers have been. Not in this one. We get a few glimpse of the heroes together ready for battle against the coming crisis but we don't get to see much else. Guess we have to wait for December 8th!

The Fight Is On Hold

Well, this sucks. When I saw Godzilla VS King Kong trending on twitter last week, I thought this:


Yeah. NOPE! It was the opposite.

Some back story first. Last May, just after Godzilla: King of the Monsters came out, Warner Brothers decided to give the monster-verse fans a little treat. The next installment and the most anticipated Godzilla VS King Kong movie was moved up to be released in March of 2020. Jumping back to the present, it was announced earlier this week that the showdown between these titans will now be seen in November of 2020 instead. The reason? Maybe Warner Brothers remembered the last time they released a big movie that had two iconic characters fighting each other didn't do as well as expected. Of course I am talking about Batman V Superman. History can repeat itself so by moving the movie to November they will have the Thanksgiving weekend crowd to help with their box office numbers. With an enormous nine-figure budget the WB is not taking any chances. Let's hope it is a little better than this one....

Don't forget to check out the Geek Freak of the Week Podcast! You can check out the movie review for Godzilla:King of the Monsters before the next episode is loaded up. Yes, it will be Godzilla themed.

Until next week. I'm Maz and that's the Geek Freak of the Week Podcast.

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