SMILE! The Geek Freak of the Week Is Here!

Joker Gets Oscar Love

The clown prince of crime's origin film is now leading with the most Oscar nominations for this years categories.

  • Best Picture
  • Best Director
  • Best Actor
  • Best Adapted Screenplay
  • Best Original Score
  • Best Sound Editing
  • Best Sound Mixing
  • Best Cinematography
  • Best Costume Design
  • Best Makeup & Hairstyling
  • Best Film Editing

I think this scene from the movie is in order....

Joaquin Phoenix is the front runner to take home the golden statue at this years awards. He has already won the Golden Globe for this role and is nominated for a SAG Award (which airs this weekend) and the BAFTA in the UK.

If he does win the Oscar, this will be the second time someone won for the role of Joker but first in the Best Actor The Dark Knight.

There's more on the this and the rest of the Oscars on a brand new episode of the Geek Freak of the Week Podcast. Link to that is at the end of this issue.

The 92nd Academy Awards airs Sunday February 9th at 8pm on ABC.

and an honorary mention to Avengers: Endgame as they scored an Oscar nomination for Best Visual Effects. It's not what Marvel fans wanted but one nomination is better than nothing.

Enter: Morbius

Since Jared Leto can't be the Joker, he will go to Marvel and take on a character no one has portrayed before. Ladies, Gentlemen, and fellow nerds, geeks and dorks of all ages, I give you Morbius.

So, I am sure you have many questions about this character. Here is where my self-honorary PhD in comic books and superheroes comes in handy. Morbius, the Living Vampire debuted back in 1971 as an antagonist in The Amazing Spider-Man issue #101. After his debut, and like Venom, he starred in his own solo comic and eventually became a well known anti-hero in the Spider-Man universe. Now that he has a movie is in Sony's Universe of Marvel Characters, is this film directly linked to the rest of the MCU over at Disney? The answer...a possible yes! We see Michael Keaton appear and it is said that he is portraying Adrian Toomes aka The Vulture from Spider-Man Homecoming. Along with that we see the word "murderer" on a Spider-Man sign in an ally. Was this part of the deal Sony and Disney made last summer after they made up after their trail separation? We'll find out when Morbius arrives in theaters July 31.

Grab That Cash

Disney has found more ways for you to give them their money. After debuting in The Mandalorian on Disney+, The Child" aka Baby Yoda has becomes a hit and now everyone wants to own one. Instead of paying a hefty bounty within the universe for a bounty hunter to deliver it you can now own one thanks to Build-A-Bear.

Dual of the Titles

In an alternate galaxy, Rey is NOT related to anyone, especially Emperor Palpatine and Kylo Ren was a more menacing force to deal with.

The original plan for episode nine was this.

  • It was to be called Star Wars: Dual of the Fates
  • Rey was suppose to be just Rey. No connection to anyone we have already met. In fact, she wouldn't even have called herself a "Skywalker" in the end.
  • Supreme Leader Snoke order Kylo Ren to kill Rey's parents
  • Kylo and Rey wouldn't have been an item, in fact, after the events in The Last Jedi they were suppose to become bitter rivals.

Like it? Hate it? Shows they had another plan for this sequel trilogy then to try to have everyone related to one another. Guess we can save this one until the next non-Skywalker film in the future.

The Flash Meets The Flash

The long awaited return of Crisis on Infinite Earths concluded this week. A lot happened. Oliver/Green Arrow died (again), Supergirl and Black Lightning are now living on the same Earth as everyone else (called Earth-Prime), and all the heroes have a nice table to sit at when they need to cross over.

But that is all minor compared to this cameo!

In a shocking turn, Barry Allen of CW met his DCEU counterpart, The Flash (played by Ezra Miller). It wasn't just a quick clip, they actually interacted with one another. So, I guess this means that Ezra Miller will still be portraying the Scarlet Speedster is future DCEU films and this also acknowledges that Earth-Prime exists in the DCEU. Fans can now sit back and relax knowing these two can now co-exist without any problems.

That's it for this week! There's a new episode of the Geek Freak of the Week Podcast on iHeart Radio breaking down all the Oscar nominations and what it looks like for the Joker and Avengers film in their categories. Listen on your phone, tablet, or smart speaker! Until next week...

I'm Maz and that's the Geek Freak of the Week!

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