In Arrow Voice "The Geek Freak of the Week Is Here To Save This City"!

Yes, it's been an odd week. Shows were ending (both tv and radio....), speculations emerged about future reboots, and some good news for DCEU movies! All that is here in the latest Geek Freak of the Week! Let's get started.

In Brightest Day After Arrows Last Night

It all came to an end this past Tuesday. After eight seasons and setting up shows like The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, and Batwoman the father of the Arrowverse came to an end. The ending of the series is bitter sweet but the show pulled out one last surprise.

Fans have always speculated that John Diggle was based off John Stewart, the Green Lantern who took over for Hal Jordan. Back when the animated Justice League series was on Cartoon Network he became a fan favorite. Their back stories are very similar and in last years crossover Elseworlds The Flash from Earth-90 made a reference John about not wearing his "ring".

In one of the last scenes it finally came true, John Diggle found a Green Lantern ring! Check out the clip to see how it all happened.

Does this mean we will see Diggle suited up as the Green Lantern in future episodes of The Flash, Supergirl, Batwoman, or Legends? I think that is a strong possibility. Maybe next years crossover. They could bring in some villain from the universe to come pick a fight with our heroes and they need Diggle's help to save the day. Who here thinks the story line Blackest Night is being pitched around for a crossover?

The Reviews Are In

Are DC movies getting...better?! After some of the early reactions for Birds of Prey it seems the answer could be a hard yes. It took some time but DC has finally gotten their whole modern and in-universe superhero movies to work.

Birds of Prey (and the fantabulous emancipation of one Harley Quinn) comes out in theaters next week. Here'a a link to get tickets!

Well That's Just Prime....

Why, yes. YES IT IS! This isn't a drill. Well, it's just speculation, but still...after announcing that there will be two new Transformer films in the works from Paramount it seemed they were just going to reboot the series again. Now the chatter is they are considering making the next film based on the Beast Wars toy line from Hasbro!

So, Beast Wars. Here's the history.

The toy line Transformers: Beast Wars was a continuation of the generation 1 Transformers series. This time around, instead of robots in disguise it was animals in disguise. Then, in 1996, a CGI series was created to help with toy sales. Beast Wars is in the same universe with the original 1984 show but the Autobots and Decepticons have "upgraded" to Maximals and Predicons. I think you can guess which side is which.

The TV series was clever. At first you believed you were watching a sequel series to Transformers from 1984...but in reality it turns into a prequel series. In the show, a Maximal ship is battling a Predicon one, they get sent into trans-warp (worm hole) and they crash land on a planet, which is prehistoric Earth. Remember what also crash landed on prehistoric Earth? The original Autobots and Decepticons in their ship The Ark. It turns out the Predicons were sent to wipe out the Autobots while they were dormant so their ancestors would win over the Autobots. Clever, right? Let's see if the movie adopts that for the plot or go with something else.

This is a very cliff notes version of the series. More will be revealed in a future episode of the Geek Freak of the Week Podcast.

Loki Has A New Friend

Breaking today, news came out that Owen Wilson has joined the cast in the Disney+ series Loki. Who will he play? According to the article from Comic Book Resources his role will be "major" but no details have been revealed.

The series comes out Spring 2021 so we won't know for some time. Let the speculation begin!

That's it for this week! So, time to get a little personal. There's this elephant that's in the room that needs to be addressed.

I am sure you have noticed but I am no longer nerding out with you weeknights on Rock 101 from 7p-midnight. It's a whole story but I won't go into it. BUT that doesn't mean I was vaporized away from existence with a snap from the Infinity Gauntlet. I am still your friendly neighborhood traffic reporter guiding you home every afternoon from 3-7 with Furious and I still have these shifts on the weekends:

Saturdays 3pm-7pm & Sundays 9am-2pm on Rock 101 & as an added bonus you can hear me over on 100.3 WHEB from Noon-7p every Sunday.

And, of course, there is still the Geek Freak of the Week Podcast! So we can still geek out together. Maybe expect more episodes? Hint hint. Take a listen to the latest one that is up now on the very free iHeart radio app!

Until next week...I'm Maz and that's the Geek Freak of the Week!

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