A hippo tasked with picking her favorite in this weekend's Super Bowl has instead displayed her dislike of one of the teams -- by puking on it. The incident happened Thursday in Cincinnati, where every year Fiona the Nile Hippopotamus is presented with each Super Bowl team's logo -- which she follows by pressing her snout against her pick to win. That's exactly what the 1,200-pound hippo was supposed to do Thursday when she was presented with Chiefs and 49ers team logos. Unfortunately, Fiona had just eaten lunch and it wasn't settling well. She ended up blowing chunks all over Kansas City. What this means is up for debate. Fans of the 49ers say it's clear -- she barfed on the team she doesn't like. However, Chiefs fans believe she was about to touch their team's logo when she suddenly lost her lunch. Then again, whether it matters is also up for debate. In the past, Fiona has picked the winning team just 50 percent of the time. Are there people who actually put faith in the outcome of stunts like this? Which team do you think will win?