Hello fellow geeks, nerds, dorks, and everything in between. A lot to cover this week let's dive right in to the latest Geek Freak of the Week!
Comic Con Cancelled?!
For the first time in the history of the con, San Diego Comic Con is canceled. Right now the San Diego Convention Center, where Comic Con is held every year, is currently set up as a a temporary hospital for COVID-19 patients. It is far to late to find another venue for this massive event and it would make sense to cancel it for 2020. However, there are reports for the 2021 con also being in question. The convention center will be used for these victims of the virus until further notice and there is no end date in site. If the pandemic goes further into 2020 it will affect all events the convention center will have for 2021, which means Comic Con could be postponed next year or moved to a new location. Yikes. Stay with the Geek Freak of the Week as this news develops.
Not A Stranger To Superhero Movies
The madness of finding a new director for the next Doctor Strange film is over. Steve Raimi has been choose to take over directing duties for Marvel's Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.
Steve Raimi is best known to comic book movie fans as the director of the original Spider-Man moves with Toby McGuire. Since the word multiverse is used in the title should we expect a cameo from the OD movie wall crawler? We'll have to wait until May 7, 2021 to find out.
Netflix Goes Boom!
No, the streaming service isn't being blown up. Netflix is teaming up with Boom Studios, a comic book company to create future content. Boom Studios isn't as large as Marvel, DC, or Image but they have some of the biggest licenses for their comic book line. A few are: Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Adventure Time, WWE, Power Rangers, among others. One in particular property is Mouse Guard. The story was originally in the works with 20th Century Fox but Disney quickly put an end to that. Why? No clue. One theory is perhaps they thought people would think Mickey Mouse and the Storm Troopers teamed up. Actually, I just made that up. Pretty good, right? Since Boom Studios owns the rights perhaps Netflix can officially pick it up and add it to their roster.
The big thing about this move is one of the properties that was named above. Boom Studios has the comic-book license to Power Rangers (and if you haven't read any of it, by the tube of Zordon go out and get those comics!)
Why is that important? Get ready for this connection. Hasbro owns Power Rangers. Power Rangers is on Nickelodeon. Netflix and Nickelodeon signed a deal to create original content a while back. Hasbro has a few series on Netflix. See where I am going with this?
All the stars have aligned and maybe this is the moment fans have been asking for all along. A series about the teenager with attitude that is up-to-date and a darker tone. Boom Studios re-told the Power Rangers mythology with an event called Shattered Grid which readers and fans fell head over heals for and have long been begging for that arc to be adapted. Perhaps this is the beginning? I'm not sure...but as a Power Rangers fan I certainty hope so!
Thanks For The...Rescue
Did you see the return of one of the greatest teams ever assembled?

Theme song and everything, it's Chip, Dale, Gadget, Monterey Jack, and Zipper aka the Rescue Rangers!
According to Frank Angones, a producer on Ducktales, he stated it was a "long process" to get these characters into an episode. To summarize, it looked like Disney was seriously flirting around the idea of making a separate series with the Rescue Rangers. The producers and writers were always told "no" or "wait on that". As Season 3 approached and the idea of using the Disney Afternoon shows as cameos, it became clear "are we" or "aren't we". The Tweets explain it became a "game of chicken" and using phrases in the scripts to trick the Disney Executives.
Even though I was thrilled they succeeded and the characters were used on screen for the first time in decades along with how would fit within the Duckverse I loved the idea they had pitched of the rescue rangers being a underground resistance type team helping out from behind the scenes. Since the Ducks are taking on FOWL this season, it would have been great to see the Rescue Rangers being the real heroes to stopping their evil plots against the ducks. Maybe that's the idea now? Time will tell!
Access: Granted
Some new TV is coming! Wednesday May, 27th begins the final season of Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Here's a quick look!
To The Max
Now that HBO Max has been announced it's time to load the new streaming service up with content. First up is getting people to create/direct/write/producer the stuff. Warner Brothers has hired JJ Abrams (Star Wars, Star Trek among others) to work on a Justice League Dark series.
The JLD is made up of DC superheroes who explore the supernatural side of things. Their members consist of John Constantine, Zatanna, Deadman, and occasionally Swamp Thing. DCuniverse had a sort-lived series of Swamp Thing but was canceled after its debut last year due to budget concerns. This new show can semi-revive some of the characters to be included for this new series. It worked for Constantine in Legends of Tomorrow on the CW. It could certainly work here!
Don't forget to check out the Geek Freak of the Week Podcast! Stay safe and remember to go out and support your local comic book shop.
Until next week. I'm Maz and that's the Geek Freak of the Week!