Wait, Batfleck Is Back? That & More In The Latest Geek Freak of the Week

Yeah, yeah. Ben Affleck is suiting up one more time as the dark knight for the solo Flash film. We'll chat about that a little later. First, this weekend is going to be full of new from DC. Why? Well...let's geek out to learn more!

Enter The Fan Dome!

The DC Fandome weekend is here. For a full 24 hours on Saturday, August 22 it is nothing but news coming from the Worlds of DC. We're talking announcements, teasers, release dates, panels, and first looks at what DC has to offer in the coming future. Treat this as you would a San Diego Comic Con Weekend. At least that's how it is being presented. What's on the docket? So far this is what we know...

  • A trailer or first look at the Synder Cut of Justice League
  • Wonder Woman 1984 full trailer or sneak peak
  • Shazam! 2 news which could also mean a possible look at the Dwayne Johnson's Black Adam solo movie
  • Batman news! There's already TWO announcements that have already come out. More on that below.
  • The Flash solo movie. Possible title or official plot revealed?
  • A first look at the NEW Batwoman on the CW

I'm sure there will be other surprises. It's a 24 hour event, they must have a lot to say. You can watch the full thing on DC's Fan Dome website.

And already they are releasing some news about our favorite dark knight.

New Bat Logo, Who Dis?

It's not official until there is a logo. Check out what The Batman director Matt Reeves posted.

Do you like? Dislike? Hey at least it's not sparkling. Also, did you know that Batman's logo is actually a safety feature on his suit? That's going to be the next topic in the Geek Freak of the Week Podcast.

On top of this there is some more Batman news this week

So, Batfleck is back? Maybe not for the entire movie. I don't think Warner Brothers wants to pay two actors who play Batman to be in the same scene. Especially now that AT&T is in charge. I think it is safe to confirm that the plot of the solo Flash movie with Ezra Miller will indeed be Flashpoint or something along the time travel to multi-universe lines. Flashpoint began in 2011 in the Flash comics that rebooted the entire DC Comic universe. Then, in 2013, it was adapted into the animated film Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox, which kicked off the DC Animated Movie Universe that recently ended with Justice League Dark: Apokalips War.

Using the same idea as were in the comics and animated feature, this could be the way the DCEU gets the reset it needs and set up for the future with new actors coming in as our favorite DC Heroes. I'm sure we'll get some type of news from this from the DC Fandome.

The Flash movie, currently untitled, is set for theaters in 2022.

More Strange Things Are Coming

Looks like the rumors can be put to rest. Season 4 of Netflix's hit series Stranger Things will NOT be its last season. How many more and when will season 4 be released?? I think only a demogorgon knows the answer to that.

On The Wilde Side

It's no surprise that Sony knows what they have when it comes to Spider-Man and his vast spider-universe of characters. Outside of the wall-crawler, Venom, and Carnage there is a whole slew of characters that can (and should) support their own movie. After the success of 2018's solo Venom film, Sony was ready to hit the ground (and wall) running. Actress & Director Olivia Wilde has been rumored to helm a new project for Sony's Spider-Woman film. No, not Spider-Gwen, Spider-Woman. Not very well known outside of the comics so a solo film can explore her backstory.

Don't forget to catch up on the Geek Freak of the Week Podcast! Listen on the free iHeartradio app on your phones, tablets, or smart speakers. It's available on other platforms to but since I work for iHeart I need to plug that first.

Until next week...

I'm Maz and that's the Geek Freak of the Week!

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