Should We Change The Color of Money?

Money. Everyone's favorite topic! If you're like me, whenever I get cash handed to me I just throw it in my wallet with no organization what-so-ever. This is where karma comes to bite me in my nerdy ass. When I go to pay for something, I'm the guy who is searching in my wallet for the correct amount because I have the denominations mixed around. Wouldn't it be easier if the money was...different colors?

I know, I know. I'm talking crazy. Or, am I? Don't call me a socialist, communist, or even a snowflake over here, but...I think the look of the American money is due for an upgrade. Personally, this is what I would like to see:

  1. Each domination is a different color. I don't care what color they are, just as long as they are all different.
  2. Make them plastic like the Canadian money.
  3. Reserve one of the denomination to showcase whoever is the President of the United States.
  4. Add more historical figures...I know this is a touchy subject but it would be nice to see some new faces.
  5. Add major historical events to the bills. For example, If they start this process now when 2076 comes up they can have a really awesome-looking bill for the 300th birthday of the United States.

Of course, this will cost a ton of money (ha...spend money to MAKE money) to create these new bills but if it's the fight against counterfeiting, I say it's worth the investment.

I could just be better and you know, organize the cash when I receive it or just use a debit card like any other modern human being. Nahhhhhhhhh.

What do you think? Yay or nay on this idea?

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