See That Bucky It's The Geek Freak of the Week!

Episode 2 of Marvel's The Falcon and The Winter Soldier is now streaming on Disney+. Okay, let's geek out!

Two Times the Bat

As we all know, Ruby Rose, who portrayed Kate Kane/Batwoman number 1 in both the Elseworlds crossover and the season of CW's Batwoman, left the series after one season. How did they right off Ruby Rose? Plane explosion. With that, instead of recasting, Ryan Wilder, portrayed by Javicia Leslie, was introduced into the series to take up the mantle of the Scarlette Knight. Now that we have covered that part of the store, forget it because it appears Kate Kane is coming back.

Announced this past Sunday, March 21st, Wallis Day (from the canceled SYFY series Krypton) has been tapped to portray the first Batwoman when her character returns later this season. Is it going to be Kate officially passing the mantle to Ryan, the current Batwoman, or have they found Ruby Rose's permanent replacement?

I'm so confused.

Marvel Caved

Remember back at Disney's Investor Day when Kevin Feige stated that Black Widow will be going to theaters and not Disney+? Forget that because Marvel's Black Widow will be arriving on the streaming service on July 9th, 2021.

I Hate Nazis

No, this is not another director cuts version of the Justice League...this is the group that pre-dates them! Meet The Justice Society of America and they are ready to fight in World War II against Nazi Germany. Except, The Flash shows up...from another timeline. Awkward.

The Squad Is Here

This trailer already looks 1000 times better than the 2016 version. I'm sold on seeing it.

This movie drops on HBO Max and theaters on August 6, 2021.

Doesn't matter what you call your smart speaker or mobile device, don't forget to check out the latest Geek Freak of the Week Podcast! Check it out on iHeart Radio.

Until next week....I'm Maz and that's the Geek Freak of the Week!

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