What's Appening? 04/12/22

Countdown App & Widget | iOS & Android

Keep an eye on your upcoming events directly on your Home Screen. The widgets in Widget Studio are highly customizable and clean-designed, so that nothing distracts your focus from the concert, your best friend‘s birthday or whatever you‘re currently looking forward to! It‘s quick, easy, and looks awesome.

Grammarly | Chrome, iOS & Android

Get suggestions from Grammarly while you write in desktop applications and sites across the web—as you move between apps, social media, documents, messages, and emails.

Bin Day Alert | iOS & Android

Never forget when to put your bins out for collection. Is this week recycling or is that next week? Configure your different bin schedules in the app and then forget about it! Notifications will remind you when it is time to put out each type. Use the Apple Watch App or Widgets to quickly see your next collection.

Posture Pal - Improve Stance | iOS

Posture Pal helps you improve your neck and shoulder posture by using the motion sensors in your headphones. Improve your neck, shoulder and back posture without having to purchase a separate tracking device. Just use your AirPods

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