Amnesia: Rebirth (PC, PS4)
Doom Eternal: The Ancient Gods Part One DLC (PC, PS4, XBONE)
Drone Swarm (PC)
The Guise (PC)
Solasta: Crown the Magister (PC)
Two Point Hospital: Culture Shock DLC (PC)
Beyond the Wire (PC) 10/21
LOVE (PC) 10/21
PUBG Season 9 (PC) 10/21
Tenderfoot Tactics (PC) 10/21
Disc Room (PC, SWITCH) 10/22
Double Pug Switch (PC, PS4, XBONE, SWITCH) 10/22
DwarfHeim (PC) 10/22
Hello Puppets (PSVR) 10/22
Lonely Mountains: Downhill: Eldfjall DLC (PC, PS4, XBONE, SWITCH) 10/22
Outbreak: Epidemic (SWITCH) 10/22
Pokemon Sword and Shield: The Crown Tundra Expansion (SWITCH) 10/22
The Red Lantern (PC, XBONE, SWITCH) 10/22
Torchlight 3 (SWITCH) 10/22
Valhall: Harbinger (PC) 10/22
Galacide (PS4, XBONE, SWITCH) 10/23
Leisure Suit Larry – Wet Dreams Dry Twice (PC) 10/23
Supermarket Shriek (PC, PS4, SWITCH) 10/23
Transformers: Battlegrounds (PC, PS4 XBONE, SWITCH) 10/23