Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


Another Parole Hearing For Emily Shane's Murderer

Michel Shane, father of Emily Shane who was killed on PCH near her Malibu home needs your help.

Emily's murderer is scheduled for parole. This is from Michel:

We write to you today with heavy hearts as we have been informed that Emily's murderer, the man who took our child from this world, is once again seeking early parole. This relentless cycle, which requires us to relive her death and achieve justice again, compels us to seek your assistance. This is the third time we have had to endure this process, despite the fact that he has not even served the minimum of his sentence.
 Please join us and let the parole board hear your voices. Let them know that justice for Emily demands justice and, at the very least, the completion of the minimum sentence (fifteen years to life). The premature release of a convicted child murderer from prison undermines the gravity of the crime and disregards the devastating impact on our family and the community.
When last he was granted parole, Governor Newsom saw the truth - that within the controlled walls of a prison, shackled by rules and medication, he may feign remorse, but what of his nature and behavior when released? Would he still make the right choices, or would the demons that drove him to steal our child's life resurface? Yet here we are, barely a year later, and he again requests the freedom he does not deserve.
 We do not seek vengeance, but we cannot help but feel that justice has not been served. He took from us a beloved child, her life barely begun, a light extinguished far too soon. And he would now reap the rewards of freedom, of a life with purpose and joy? 
The parole board is required to consider all communication. Please help our case and join us in our quest for justice. Without your help, he will walk free. Who will be his next victim? Can a person with a track record truly control anger or rage when provoked without constraints?
Please do not delay. The parole board must receive all emails by October 4, 2024.  We ask you to take action now, in Emily’s memory
There is a required format for your email. The subject/title must be the inmate’s name, and his CDCR number is as follows:
KHANKHANIAN, SINA—his CDCR number AL8228.                                                                                                       
Please send your email to this address: BPH.CorrespondenceUnit@cdcr.ca.gov.
The hearing date is October 22, 2024, at 8:30 AM. 
 Your support, your love, has carried us through the darkest days. Now, we ask that you let the parole board feel the weight of your words. 
 We thank you for standing with Emily, for justice, and for our child's memory.

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