Community Connect is here to help you out with resources you can use… if times are tight and you or someone you know needs help with the Thanksgiving meal, we’ve got you covered.
Dr. Darius Brooks, First Lady Deborah Brooks and Grace Central Church have partnered with the Greater Chicago Food Depository to host their annual Thanksgiving Dinner Box Giveaway. It’s all happening on Tuesday, November 26th from 5-7pm at Grace Central Outreach, 10216 Kitchener Street, Westchester.
They expect to give away around 400 Thanksgiving dinner boxes that day. They will be distributed on a first come, first served basis, in a drive-through that’s open to everyone while supplies last. The boxes have an uncooked turkey or chicken and a full holiday meal for a family along with additional food items. There is a limit of 1 box per household and you must bring an I.D.
Happy Thanksgiving and remember, our community moves forward in the best way possible when we all get the help we need and give the help we can!