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Lend A Helping Can

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Homan Anticipates Quick Fixes to Border on Day One of Trump's Term

House Homeland Security Committee Holds Hearing On Border Security

Photo: Aaron P. Bernstein / Getty Images News / Getty Images

Incoming 'border czar' Tom Homan expects the U.S. southern border to be closed "within months" and quick fixes to be made to border policy once Trump is back in office in January.

On Friday, Homan appeared on "American Agenda" on Newsmax saying that President-elect Donald Trump will take some immediate action on border policy by ending the catch-and-release policy put in by the Biden administration. Deportation numbers, which have gone down significantly under President Biden, will soon ramp back up.

"If we get the remain in Mexico program back in quickly, that will move the numbers down incredibly," Homan said. "Ending catch-and-release on day one is going to send a strong message to the world that you can't cross this border illegally, which is a crime, ang get released into the United States."

The choice from Homan to illegal migrants is this: Either be detained or be removed from the country.

Bringing back the "Remain in Mexico" policy, will require cooperation from the Mexican government. Enforcement of the program would mean asylum seekers would stay in Mexico until their U.S. immigration cases are heard.

One thing that's also clear from Trump's top immigration guy is that the worst of the worst that are currently in the United States illegally will be found and deported first.

"Out of the gate, we're going to prioritize public safety threats and national security threats," said Homan. "The president got a mandate from the American people."

According to Homan, there are around 700,000 illegal aliens with a felony conviction walking freely in the United States.

"There are plenty of criminals to arrest," Homan added. "If you look at the data between the Trump administration and the Biden administration, the deportations are at an all-time low."

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