Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


We Are Now More Bored Than Ever, Here's Why!

Is there a boredom epidemic happening? New research suggests there is, finding that people are more bored than ever before. And it turns out, digital media use may be to blame.

According to the new study, there’s a higher rate of people reporting being bored now, despite the nearly endless amount of entertainment options available. Researchers believe digital media is actually increasing the feeling of boredom because it really stimulates people, which can make them less interested in doing things that are less stimulating, like reading a book.

  • The study points to previous research that tracked boredom levels in real time and found most people are more bored after engaging with digital media.
  • Study authors also note that digital media “fragments attention,” which they explain means people have a harder time focusing on one single activity at a time.
  • Digital multitasking, like scrolling on a phone while watching TV, also keeps people from being able to pay attention and stay engaged in the moment.
  • Not being able to focus on one task, along with frequent interruptions, leads to more boredom.
  • People who regularly consume quick, unrelated pieces of digital media aren’t often satisfied with what they find, and end up feeling bored and unfulfilled with the time they spend online.

“In this digital age,” researchers conclude, “learning to navigate mundane moments is more critical than ever.”

Source: NY Post

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