Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


How Would You Rank Your 2024 From 1 To 10

Photo: Iuliia Bondar / Moment / Getty Images

  • We're about ready to say goodbye to 2024, so how would you rank your year on a scale of 1 to 10? On a scale of one to 10, the average American rates it as a 6.1 overall. Which if you think about it is okay. But how do we make 2025 a 10?

Here's what we did in 2024 that made it a pretty good year:

  1. Reconnected with an old friend or family member - 17%
  2. Creative and personal Growth - 12%
  3. Got a new pet - 12%
  4. Learned a new skill or hobby - 12%
  5. Volunteered or contributed to a cause - 11%
  6. Visited a new state or city - 10%
  7. Overcame a major health challenge - 9%
  8. Made a new best friend - 9%
  9. Started a new job - 9%
  10. Experienced a once-in-a-lifetime event (e.g., eclipse, concert) - 9%

So we can continue these habits in 2025 and it should continue to only get better for us. But what are you looking most forward to in 2025?

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Presenting Partner

Manchester–Boston Regional Airport

Matching Donation

Courtney Lynn Matching Donation
