Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


Goodbye, 2024 … you were an “average” year.

A new survey found that Americans gave 2024 a solid "meh" with an average rating of 6 out of 10. But there were some highlights. The biggest one? Reconnecting with friends and family, which topped the list of memorable experiences for many of those polled. According to the survey, these were the events that made 2024 memorable:

  1. Reconnected with an old friend or family member – 17%
  2. Creative and personal Growth – 12%
  3. Got a new pet – 12%
  4. Learned a new skill or hobby – 12%
  5. Volunteered or contributed to a cause – 11%
  6. Visited a new state or city – 10%
  7. Overcame a major health challenge – 9%
  8. Made a new best friend – 9%
  9. Started a new job – 9%
  10. Experienced a once-in-a-lifetime event (e.g., eclipse, concert) – 9%
  11. Made significant progress on a fitness goal – 9%
  12. Paid off a significant debt (e.g., student loan, credit card) – 8%
  13. Bought a car – 8%
  14. Reached a savings or financial goal – 7%
  15. Celebrated a major milestone birthday – 7%
  16. Attended a major event or festival – 7%
  17. Achieved a bucket list goal – 7%
  18. Quit smoking or another habit – 7%
  19. Went on a dream vacation – 6%
  20. Moved to a new home or city – 6%

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"Lend a Helping Can."

Presenting Partner

Manchester–Boston Regional Airport

Matching Donation

Courtney Lynn Matching Donation
