Jay Weber Show transcript 1-7-25
We talked about this last week- as the rumors swirled that it was coming Joe Biden’s regime moving at the very last minute to ban oil and gas drilling in over 625-million acres of federal waters-
And using a 70-year-old ‘outer continental shelf’ law to do so- which has Biden’s lawyers and the left insisting that- because Biden did it this way, Trump can’t reverse it...
My take on that was ‘bull-plop’.
I find it very hard to believe that any executive order that has been put in place by one president cannot ‘ultimately’ be rescinded by a future president...
And i say ‘ultimately’ because you know when Trump moves to do it, the eco-zealots will sue, and it could take years of legal wrangling to get it to the supreme court for a final ruling....
But in the interim-the eco-zealots could get their way.
Or- a republican controlled congress could slip a change into this 70-year-old law that up-ends this notion that ‘one president’ can declare something that no one else- now or forever-can ever undo.
I find it hard to believe that any high court would go along with that notion, though.
At any rate: Monday, the Biden regime officially made this move, and President Trump immediately moved to say he’ll reverse it.
They and their media accomplices are -really, really- going to be sticking to that, and so any move trump makes to reverse it will be challenged with lawsuits.
One quicker fix would be for congress to reverse it. They could slide that into this border and energy reconciliation bill they’ve been building-and I would urge Thune and Mike Johnson to do that...
But...on Hugh Hewitt’s show yesterday, Donald Trump projected the idea that- based on his group of advisors- he can reverse this.
Whether trump can do this ‘easily’ or not is in question...but i wouldn’t believe the leftists and their media accomplices that ‘joe just did this, and it can’t be reversed’.
Bull-plop...on that one.
We don’t have kings in this country-and we do have- shared government.
We also have a supreme court whose members have spent the last three sessions trying to neuter and ‘claw back’ many of the rule-making powers that these liberals running our fed govt agencies have ‘given themselves’ over time.
This is a conservative supreme court that has issued several rulings now over the last few sessions that make it clear: the executive branch and a president’s agencies cannot simply ignore the separation of powers and/or ‘go rogue’ when they want to. Assume powers for themselves that they don’t have...etc.
And even if some 1953 congress screwed this one up and wrote such a suggestion into this outer continental shelf law, i cannot believe that a conservative court would say, ‘well, congress screwed up and gave a president the power to do this’...instead of saying ‘due to the constitution, the 1953 congress didn’t have the power to make the president ‘the king’ when it came to environmental issues.
Our supreme court tends not to agree that...oop...a past congress got duped and so now y’all just need to live with their mistake forever.
They tend to fix the mistake.
I cannot imagine this stands. Still, the legal wrangling could take years.
But as I said the other day: none of the oil and gas companies are cramming to drill more in any of those places, anyway.
As it is, oil production in the u-s is at peak capacity and we are pumping more than we were when Trump left office the first time.
Our domestic oil and gas company execs have said they are happy with their current level of production and don’t expect to expand more-even if trump encourages them to-
And so-
In reality- this last-minute Biden move isn’t as ‘biting’ as the left expects it to be.
They should be far more worried about president trump getting into office and stomping out to kill off some of the offshore wind projects that Biden’s regime has tried to ram forward with over the last four years.
Trump has cited the alarming number of whale deaths and harm to the eco-system that those wind projects are causing off the eastern seaboard, and so, he might step in and block some of those.
In fact, politico has a story this week about how the wind and solar industries are in a bit of a panic and coordinating ways to approach Donald Trump and convince him to keep them in the mix-and keep their projects going.
Given that an ‘all of the above’ energy strategy is the smartest strategy long term, i doubt that Donald Trump will actually kill off many of these projects-but what he and the GOP-should do- is kill off all of the govt funding for them.
It's the insane level of govt funding that is making these very expensive, inefficient wind turbines and solar projects profitable. Especially the ones being put ‘out to sea’. That’s a complicated under-taking.
And so, they are scrambling to convince Trump and republicans to keep the massive govt subsidies going.
They hope to convince Trump and the GOP that we are going to need massive amounts of energy in this country, moving forward- to power AI centers, for example- and that’s why it’s a good idea to let them proceed.
We should be looking at ‘clean nuclear’ to satisfy our future energy needs-but wind and solar can play a part if they are at all logical and profitable.
For now, they really aren’t-and govt shouldn’t be working to kill off fossil fuels while only encouraging super-expensive and inefficient replacements to it.
No oil company CEOs that I’ve seen have said they are in a rush to drill more. But we’ve got to keep the leasing process and the exploration for future places to drill...going. Which is what this ban means to stop.
Given that the so-called ‘green energy economy’ is really in China. Benefitting China. And not us-
President Biden is -in a very real way- weakening this country’s energy production, energy policy, and future national security as he and his team go about doing this stuff. Issuing these orders.
These genuinely are ‘strategically stupid’ and ‘anti-American’ moves.
They genuinely are. It’s not just ‘the right wing take’ on it.
The America-hating left-wing organizations who today’s democrats have invited to the big table and invited to run the joe Biden White House-have simply taken over since joe was kicked off of the ticket in June.
That’s what’s happening here. All they need is his signature, and he’s happy to sign whatever’s put in front of him, because at least ‘in general’ he’s an eco-zealot, too.
I’m sure he’s not looking ‘at all carefully’ as he’s signing papers these days.
And now remember that: the best way to drive down today’s ever-rising prices is to cut the cost of the energy that it takes to ‘make those products’ and deliver those goods and services to your door.
Step one in lowering prices, given the never-ending inflation Biden and the dems have saddled us with- is ‘make energy cheaper’.
Which is what trump and republicans are trying to do-and as soon as possible-once they get into office. The Biden regime keeps erecting pre-emptive roadblocks.
And as for any genuine ‘green economy’ here in America? -forget it.
Oh-and in another move- Biden’s regime banned mining on more than 28-million acres of Alaskan land...which proves they have no genuine interest in allowing America to make electric batteries or electric cars.
Biden’s scummy claim has been that we can ‘lead the way’ in electric battery and car production-but we can’t if he and his eco-warriors won’t let us start up a single mine to get the many rare earths and metals that we need as the raw materials to make those batteries.
There is-nothing- logical about the left’s so-called ‘green energy policy.’
photo credit: Getty Images
audio version of the segment here > Biden's off-shore drilling ban can be reversed