Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

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Boston Police Warn Public Of Text Message Parking Ticket Scam

Scam text. The URL has been cropped out to prevent its circulation. Photo: Mike Macklin/WBZ NewsRadio

BOSTON (WBZ NewsRadio) — A new smartphone scam that asks people to pay for a fake parking ticket has caught the attention of Boston Police.   

The scam appears as a message with a link to a fake payment website that looks very similar to an official city of Boston payment page with a replica of the city logo.   

Caleb from South Boston told WBZ NewsRadio that while he does get a parking ticket periodically, he was surprised to hear about the scam.  

“That’s wild, I would have never guessed that” he said.  

“Part of me is surprised, and the other part of me is not surprised,” said Denise from South Boston.   

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BPD also reminded residents they have four options to pay for a parking ticket, either online, by mail, over the phone or in person. Residents will not be able to pay for a parking ticket over text.  

Those who get the text message from the city have been encouraged to contact Boston Police immediately.  

WBZ NewsRadio’s Jim MacKay (@JimMacKayOnAir) reports. 

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