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Power Morphicon 2018 Recap!

Get the reading glasses out and a friend to pass a lot of beer.  THERE IS A LOT TO SHARE! 

Power Morphicon FOREVER! 

First and foremost, a big question was asked that we didn't get any kind of answer to at first. When Hasbro bought Power Rangers will they recognize Power Morphicon or will they merge it with their big event Has-Con?  I think we got our answer this weekend so unless this was some huge prank I think Hasbro is here to stay with Power Morphicon.  This weekend they were everywhere PLUS they used this platform to announce their new line of Power Ranger toys.  I say, this was a win for them.  It was also announced via Power Rangers NOW twitter that the biennial convention WILL return in 2020!  (insert sigh of relief) 


The first season of the Hasbro-Era is here! Introducing the cast for the 26th season that will premier in 2019 on Nickelodeon.  Check out the cast! 

Rorrie Travis - Red Ranger  | Jacqueline Scislowski - Yellow Ranger  | Jasmeet Baduwalia - Blue Ranger 

As per tradition, the previous seasons ranger team introduces the next one.  

This Also Means New Movie, Right? 

About that, no news on the "sequel" to the 2017 film that we were told about a few weeks back.  In fact, no movie talk was at all mentioned.  RJ Cyler who played Billy in the film was asked and here was his response

"They haven't told me anything, but if they do I will let you know" (

Maybe a lie?  Maybe the truth?   You can read his full quote and other things he said at his panel here

However, Even without that news, we still got a lot of great content and a look at what Hasbro and Boom! Studios Comics has in store for ranger nation.  So I am OK with this...for now. 

Time To Talk Comics! 

And there was a TON of news regarding what's coming up in the Boom! Studios Power Rangers comic stories.  From the current Shattered Grid story, some team change ups, and new characters they are really building a whole new comic book story and events that will add to the franchises mythology.  Let's start off with some new characters. 

Introducing the Solar Ranger! Who is she? Is this a new ranger or a former one with new powers? Is she part of a team? Friend or foe? And where did her powers come from?  SO MANY QUESTIONS!  

The only tip we got is that she will appear after the Shatter Grid story wraps up in two weeks.  Her suit resembles the Hyper Force rangers a bit....I wonder if that's a clue.  

Just to add to everyone excitement, it has been confirmed that our favorite Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde inspired character is now officially a ranger!  Heckyl was never in ranger form in the Power Rangers: Dino Charge series but did make it into a few pages of Boom! Studios Mighty Morphin Power Rangers issue 29. When Shattered Grid wraps up the Dark Ranger will be part of a new team that forms but we will see his origin explored a little more in January with Issue 35 of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.  Fans were happy when this was announced.  Heckyl (despite all he did) is worthy of this honor.  You can read more here!

Ok. It's Time To Really Talk About This Major Event.  

are you ready......ok, no turning back! MEGAZORD GO! 

THAT'S JASON KISSING TRINI! And...she's in his suit and he's wearing hers?!    

Yes, your eyes aren't deceiving you. This is all going to be happening very soon in Boom! Studios Go Go Power Rangers.  That's Jason in yellow and Trini in Red.  Oh...and Zack is in Pink, Kim is in Blue, and Billy is badass in Black.  THEY SWAPPED COLORS! (They can do that?) Apparently, YES THEY CAN! 

Side note: they were all green once back in Mighty Morphin issue 9 so I bet the same principal is applied in some way or they just swapped coins for some reason.  

I will admit, I haven't read a lot of this Go Go Power Rangers series.  That story line takes place in the early days (like mere hours) after they receive their power coins and their first battle with Goldar and a squad of putties.  It's more of them de-morphed and adjusting to life as superheroes all while still trying to maintain a teenagers life.  It's very CW-ish but I'll be honest here, this move is really getting me curious.   Add this story to your collection this November when #16 drops in comic book stores!  

Green Origins

At the Boom! Studios panel this weekend, Ryan Parrot from the Go Go Power Rangers series, gave us a hint towards a very Rogue One type story that exists in the Power Rangers universe.  He stated that in future adventures he wanted to explore the following:

  1. Have Rita go on a road trip and see what she's like when she is not trying to conquer worlds
  2. Explain how she came into the procession of the Green Ranger powers.  

That is actually a very good question.  How DID Rita get the Green Ranger Power Coin?  Did Ninjor mail it to her by mistake? Did she pick pocket Zordon? Or...did she create it herself? 

There have been some tries before, like in the 2017 film, we learned that Rita was the Green Ranger and that's why she had it. However, in the TV show, as far as we know, she just had the coin lying around. Back then, no one seemed to question that logic. Nowadays WE WANT ANSWERS!  

So to add to a very bad ass event in kid television show history, we might be getting a very cool story in the future.  As Spongebob says: I'M READY! 

Shattered Grid Live Read.  

Since they had many of the actors at Power Morphicon this epic event took place (and my personal favorite moment).  A live table read from some pages of Shattered Grid was performed.  It's about a half hour long and the audio isn't great at some points but it does not disappoint.  Spoiler: when Zordon speaks you will get chills down your spine.  

It's All About The Toys 

It is Hasbro after all.  It's a toy company that paid $522 million for the franchise so they have to make their money back somehow.  They over delivered with this one.  Introducing the Power Rangers: Lightning Collection!  

When this was announced the other day, I did go into some detail.  You can check that post out here. 

This Lightning Collection drops in stores in Spring 2019 and I shall be buying all of these when available. Hello credit card debt!  

Time For Final Thoughts 

25 years later, and Power Rangers is still a thing. THAT'S AWESOME! 

I'll never forget the day I stumbled upon this.  I was a wee little Maz then and came home from school, walked into my aunts house where I would wait for my mother to pick me up after she got out of work. She was running late and after watching my regular Batman series I was just flipping around channels and I landed on this series.  Actually, thanks to Youtube, I found the episode!  

Looking back it was so corny and so low budget it still amazes me it's lasted as long as it did, let alone 25 years, countless incarnations, multiple owners, and a boat load of toys!

I love Batman, but unless I had trillions of dollars in a trust fund I will never be Batman.  These teenagers with attitude were just randomly chosen to wear spandex, pilot mechanical lizards, and protect the world.  

As stated before, I am very excited to see what Hasbro and Boom! Studios has in store for the franchise.  I love the comics they are creating.  It's adding to the lore that could never be done in the TV series because

  1. it's expensive to do original stuff with story, props, actors, and other costly things
  2. it's bound by the senti series that Japan creates in many ways.  
  3. in reality, the entire show itself is a half hour toy commercial, so less story and add more gadgets and zords for kids to want! 

So the comics is reopening the grid of power rangers and giving us more then we could ever ask or hope for.  PLUS, the comics is doing what I am calling a "reverse-flash".  All superhero movies and shows use events and stories from comic books for their films and series.  Power Rangers on the other hand, both for Boom! Studios and Hasbro, they are doing the opposite. They are taking a TV show from the past and creating new characters, events, and content to expand into it's comic book universe where there aren't as many restrictions.  

Could this be used in future movies? Sure! Could this influence the TV show? Why not! 

This franchise doesn't seem to be slowing down anytime soon and it seems the right heads and hands are in control so it can last another 25 years.  That's morphinominal.  

I'm Maz, and that is your very special Power Morphicon Geek Freak of the Week Special.   

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