Money. Everyone's favorite topic! If you're like me, whenever I get cash handed to me I just throw it in my wallet with no organization what-so-ever. This is where karma comes to bite me in my nerdy ass. When I go to pay for something, I'm the guy who is searching in my wallet for the correct amount because I have the denominations mixed around. Wouldn't it be easier if the money was...different colors?
I know, I know. I'm talking crazy. Or, am I? Don't call me a socialist, communist, or even a snowflake over here, but...I think the look of the American money is due for an upgrade. Personally, this is what I would like to see:
- Each domination is a different color. I don't care what color they are, just as long as they are all different.
- Make them plastic like the Canadian money.
- Reserve one of the denomination to showcase whoever is the President of the United States.
- Add more historical figures...I know this is a touchy subject but it would be nice to see some new faces.
- Add major historical events to the bills. For example, If they start this process now when 2076 comes up they can have a really awesome-looking bill for the 300th birthday of the United States.
Of course, this will cost a ton of money (ha...spend money to MAKE money) to create these new bills but if it's the fight against counterfeiting, I say it's worth the investment.
I could just be better and you know, organize the cash when I receive it or just use a debit card like any other modern human being. Nahhhhhhhhh.
What do you think? Yay or nay on this idea?