JUNE 8, 2018

GREG - Men are not getting custody of children like women are. Check it out by state. https://www.custodyxchange.com/maps/dads-custody-time-2018.php

KELLY - Country Time Lemonade is providing legal-ade for kids. This will help keep kids lemonade stands open when permits and trouble finds them. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/jun/7/country-time-lemonade-to-pay-fines-when-officials-/

KAYLA - Want to be a Hot Tubologist?  Get paid over $600 and get a spa to review hot tubs.  https://www.travelerstoday.com/articles/47342/20180605/best-job-ever-this-spa-will-pay-you-to-be-a-hot-tubologist.htm

ROADKILL - People are even looking at their phones during sex!  https://www.wxyz.com/news/study-10-percent-admit-to-checking-phones-during-sex

LAURA - Want to make $3500? This University will give you the flu and observe you for 10 days in Hotel Influenza. http://www.foxnews.com/health/2018/06/07/university-will-pay-3500-to-get-flu-and-book-10-day-stay-at-hotel-influenza.html

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