Gotta be honest - I didn't do squat this weekend. Sure I shot a sunrise, did a brew visit, watched a hockey game and worked the St Pats Party - but still I felt like it was wicked short and didn't accomplish next to anything!
But any Friday night when you go out with friends to grab a pizza and a brew can't be that bad, right? Especially if it's at Northwoods Brewing Co!
That's Valerie. Yeah, she loves me.....
ps. NOTICE who has the biggest beer mug? That's right brochacho- I DO! I tried a beer they call THE DUNKEL - and it was really good!
Saturday morning I was out the door at 5am to see what the sunrise would bring as I headed out to Cape Neddick. The idea was that even if the sunrise sucked (which it kind of did), I'd have a options of other things to photograph (like surfers or paddleboarders and eagles)!
So here's what I got at Nubble once the sun got high enough up in the sky to backlight the lighthouse-
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Nubble is so often photographed, it's hard to come away with a view of it that many haven't seen. But I came close on Saturday with this shot of the silhouetted light and a passing gull. Kinda felt nice to me when I looked at it. And that's all I need to make me satisfied with a morning. Just one shot that I like.
I also like the feel of this shot-
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Just a man and the ocean that stretches out in front of him. The further out he went, the more it looked like he was just walking on water. He was one of only 2 people out there on Saturday morning. It was pretty cool to watch.
It was yard work on Saturday afternoon before heading over to a friends house to watch the UNH/MAINE Hockey game. I flew my colors, and my buddy Rich flew his.
I told him that if Maine won, I'd post the picture of us up with him taunting me after the game.
So there it is.....(5-0, Maine. Ouch). Congrats to the BLACKBEARS- you deserved the win. Good luck in the HE Playoffs!
Oh, and here's some eagles shots I got on Saturday
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
Photo: Greg Kretschmar
In the last one, I m about 250 yards away and this eagle doesn't think I can see him, but he has no idea who he is messing with...hahah
Can you see him?
And last but not least- the St Pats Party at Filotimo Casino! It was a fun afternoon (check out the other post on my page for more pics!)
All know is that I won a pocket full of cash at Laura's roulette table!!! WHOO HOO!!
Fun time - but kind of exhausting - haha!!!
Hope you all had a good weekend-