Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


Be The Productive Mom You Wish You Were

photo credit: Getty Images

Are you like me? Making to-do lists and yet … stuff is always piling up!  Well apparently, this is what we need to do to be productive moms (I’m all too familiar with #2):

1. Approach your to-do list differently

Instead of scribbling down notes to remember for later, like "Birthday party stuff", start off notes with actions, such as "Buy party streamers" and "Call bakery about cake design". This cuts down the time it takes to remember what exactly you meant hours or days before, which means you'll be more likely to take immediate action.

2. Don't let small tasks pile up

If the task that you approach only takes one minute, why set it aside for later? "It's amazing how quickly those small, insignificant responsibilities accumulate into an hour of extra work."

3. Know when to say "no" and when to ask for help

If someone asks something of you, think realistically if you'll really be able to make a significant contribution if you accept. If not, then don't feel bad politely turning down the request. On the flip side, don't feel guilty about asking for help. Everyone needs help at some point in their lives.

4. Keep a clean, clutter-free space

You've heard it a million times "A clean home is an efficient home." And now that I'm an adult, I get it. Think back to how many times you rummaged through the house looking for your house keys, your wallet, the kids' homework... you get the picture. According to a study, the average person wastes 55 minutes a day looking for things. And isn't that 55 extra minutes you could use every day?

Want some more "secrets" on how to be a productive mom?  CLICK ON THIS LINK

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