Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


Sneaky Fitness Tips for a Desk Job

I was a fitness instructor, personal trainer and certified nutritionist for years before I started with media and radio. Of course, you're able to help people for the hour that they're training with you, but where the magic really happens is during the other 23. Even after I stopped training a majority of my clients, I always had a pretty active job as a substitute coach for PE, dance, and weight lifting which helped me get my steps in. More recently I have had to do a lot of computer work which requires me to sit much more than I'm used to, but there are some things I do that help me keep my mobility and fitness in check that I'd like to share with you.

1-Keeping bands at my desk. I have a hip band to "wake up" my glutes that tend to fall asleep when you sit on them for too long. I also have an open band to work on my upper back for posture purposes and a band with handles for a nice little shoulder pump. The goal isn't to get a full on workout but rather just send blood to these areas that tend to get tight including the chest and hips. I do these every hour which also helps with my mental focus. I do one set of each for 15-20 reps.

2-Using a timer for activity. I use a timer that goes off every hour to remind me to do some activity either with my bands, walk to the furthest bathroom, or just stand up for 1-2 minutes.I did this in my previous office job too.

3-Packing high protein snacks and lunches. For me this includes beef jerky, beef sticks, frozen meatballs that I can microwave, protein bars, pre-made protein shakes and lean hamburger patties for lunch. Many people think peanuts are a "healthier option,' but they don't have that high a quality protein and are very calorie dense, (just one little handful can have hundreds of calories).

4-Moving when I can. Get up and go to the farthest bathroom, walk around at lunch, stand when you can instead of sitting, park as far as safely possible, use the stairs instead of the elevator and for me I pace on the phone when I'm on a phone call. You'd be surprised how much this all adds up.

5-When at the gym, focus on strength training. Too many people try to lose body fat/ weight by focusing on cardio. Strength training will better increase your metabolism, improve posture, and help you burn calories when not working out. This means lifting weight such as barbells, dumbbells, or even just using body weight at home.

What do you do to try and stay healthy within a sedentary work lifestyle? Do you already do any of these above or wanting to try them? Message me on social media or leave a talkback voice message on the free iHeart app!

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