Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


The Democrats Focus On New Deflection: Trump Supporter Laura Loomer

With just over 50 days to go until the election, the Democrats are doing anything they can to deflect any media attention on the -real- record of Kamala Harris. And that means non-stop attacks on former president Donald Trump.

The latest: going after Trump and a Trump supporter named Laura Loomer.

The left has been attacking Loomer since she made a joke about Kamala Harris being part Indian American, posting "the White House will smell like curry".

Some Republicans, including Marjorie Taylor Greene blasted her for it, and even said Trump should get rid of her.

But since then, Trump has made it clear that Loomer is a supporter, and she does not work for the campaign. In a post on Truth Social, Trump wrote:

Laura Loomer doesn’t work for the Campaign. She’s a private citizen and longtime supporter. I disagree with the statements she made but, like the many millions of people who support me, she is tired of watching the Radical Left Marxists and Fascists violently attack and smear me, even to the point of doing anything to stop their Political Opponent, ME! I am now in California, which Democrats like Comrade Kamala Harris and Governor Gavin Newscum have completely DESTROYED. I will turn it all around and, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! -DJT

The lawfare, the Russia hoax, 5 television networks of support, the Jan 6 sham, and all of the 'vibes' aren't stopping Trump. Expect more of this kind of distraction as we move closer to the election.

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