Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


USA Is Now Officially The Fattest It Has Ever Been

We’re number one! Americans are officially the fattest they’ve ever been according to new data from the DCD. Prior to 2013, no state in the union had an “adult obesity prevalence at, or above, 35%. A decade later, 23 states hit and exceeded that threshold. In total, 20% of Americans are considered obese, with the highest proportions found in the Midwest and South. Four states have the honor of being the ones with an adult obesity prevalence of over 40% - West Virginia, Mississippi Arkansas, and Louisiana.

Source: Daily Mail

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Presenting Partner

Manchester–Boston Regional Airport

Matching Donation

Courtney Lynn Matching Donation
