Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


#TRENDING 9/20/24: The Top 10 Mispronounced Words That Make You Sound Dumb

The Top 10 Mispronounced Words That Make You Sound Dumb

You shouldn't judge people too quickly, or over one little thing. That said, what's a mispronounced word that immediately makes you think, "That person's DUMB"? Someone asked Reddit. Here are the Top 10 answers . . .


1.  Frustrated as FUH-strated


2.  Specifically as PUH-cifically


3.  Chipotle as chi-POLE-tay. Or chi-pole-TEE.


4.  Quesadilla as kay-suh-DILL-uh


5.  Anything that starts with an "es" sound, but you make it an "eck" sound: ECK-scape . . . ECK-cetera . . . and ECK-spresso.


6.  Nuclear as nuke-YOU-lar. That's probably the most common one on the list.


7.  Fajitas with an "R" . . . FRUH-he-tuhs. Or a "J" . . . fuh-JEE-tuhs.


8.  Library as li-BARRY


9. Supposably when you mean supposedly. Supposably IS a word, but it's not what you mean. The definitions are slightly different.


10.  Irregardless. Another one that sounds dumb, but IS in the dictionary. Merriam-Webster lists it as a "nonstandard" word. The definition is . . . "regardless." (Reddit)


(Any others that annoy you? How about "mischievous"? A lot of people add a fourth syllable . . . mis-CHEEV-ee-ous.)

Originally posted on September 20th, 2024

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