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Undecided voters are getting insulted by Kamala's word salads

Jay Weber Show transcript 9-20-24 6:10am

Finally.Finally...we get ‘the truth’ about why kamala Harris won’t share any of her policies with the voters.

Leave it up to Hillary Clinton....to sort this out for us.

Hillary said on MSNBC yesterday, Kamala Harris-doesn’t have to- share her vision for the country with us- and the only reason people are insisting she does is- sexism.

Honest to God, listen to Hillary interrupt a young black reporter (whose name i didn’t catch) who is trying to ask Hillary when kamala Harris is going you-you know- outline a policy or two.

This is the most ridiculous load of tripe that we have heard yet, my friends: Kamala Harris has policies-and you can go and look them up on her website if you want to-

But- no, she doesn’t have to share them with the voters -or keep repeating them.  ‘we’ only keep demanding she do so because she’s a woman.

As if- every man who has run for president since George Washington-wasn’t required to share his ideas and his vision of the country with the people, first!!

That is an unbelievably asinine and insulting excuse as to why Kamala Harris won’t outline an agenda.

And by the way: Tim Walz won’t either.

He’s a man. At least by the biological definition. And he’s not detailing...or even ‘hinting at’ what the dem ticket’s agenda is.  Does that make him an ‘enlightened male’?

He was told it was sexist to have to explain yourself to the American people before they vote for you...so he’s clammed up, too?

What an asinine dodge by Hillary.

And for the record: if you go to Kamala Harris’s website, and click on her policy page, you won’t actually get anything other than a few vague bullet points on any given topic. There’s no detailed-or even a ‘sketch’ of an agenda there.

So. Hillary Clinton is wrong on all counts...and insists you are sexist- male or female-if you are asking for more details on the Harris/Walz agenda-you’re a sexist pig. The men don’t have to share their agenda with the American people when they run for office...


Clinton actually uses a scolding technique on a young black female reporter- to shut her up- when she dares ask ‘what’s Kamala Harris really running on?’


These people have nothing but distain for you...and if you haven’t figured that out yet...I feel bad for you.

Meanwhile-as Hillary scolds reporters for daring to ask about a Harris agenda- and as Kamala and Timmy continue to hide and dodge- the undecided voters that every single media outlet are talking to...are saying the same thing: Kamala Harris is starting to insult our intelligence with this little act of hers.

My friends- this woman got a seven week pass on doing any interviews or saying anything substantive- while the accomplice media participated in her coronation-

But even they! Were told that-after the debate-Kamala Harris would be doing more interviews.

Well- the debate night arrived. Kamala filibustered thru the debate and spent the entire time trashing trump and never-did- get to her agenda, or any specifics.   Even then-okay-the debate is over, this woman is finally going to start doing interviews.


In nearly two weeks now, she’s done two: with a local tv affiliate in Philly- in which she spent twelve minutes filibustering thru every question and saying nothing-

And rightly getting skewered for it-

And then we had the panel interview in front of the national association of black journalists this week- in which she again filibustered every question for three to five minutes- and even had the audience groaning toward the end, as we are just now finding out.

Yesterday morning i mentioned that it was a softball interview that only included a few good questions that she-as a longtime politician and candidate should have had answers for-

But she blew those-and then scowled her way off the stage afterward.

And of course, I’m nearly always at least a few hours...to a few days...to a few weeks. Ahead of things....and so.....

I just mentioned this, offhand, yesterday morning: but the last few seconds of that panel-and the video of her getting up with a scowl-very quickly shaking hands with the three moderators-and then shooting off the stage to leave-with a scowl on her face- was priceless.

I didn’t mention that the three moderators were left to just look around at each other and sort of...wonder about it.... like: is she mad? Or...that didn’t go well, did it?

Or ...she’s really this vacant?

Their looks at each other...are sort of amusing. It’s like they knew this didn’t go well, immediately, because she’d given them nothing...

And then she leaves a softball interview in a huff?

That was weird.

Well, that last eighteen seconds of the Black journalists event ‘became a thing’ yesterday, and was all over social media.

Because- she’s done two interviews! Two!

Just two interviews since the debate-and still- the word salads are starting to pile up and wear on people...

Kamala Harris has managed to memorize a script in her head. It’s only a few paragraphs -in total-and it’s what her team drilled into her head during the two weeks they were doing debate prep-

And now-ever since the debate- if someone asks her a question.... you can see her going thru that mental rolodex....and finding those few paragraphs that she’s mentally ‘downloaded’....and then picking one and spewing it out.  Even if it doesn’t pertain to the question.

There was a town hall last night hosted by Oprah.

After all-she only memorized about five or six short soliloquies for the debate....and so...she’s got to pick one -and use it.

Vice president Harris, will you continue President Biden’s ban on liquid natural gas exports?

That’s great question...as a teenager, I worked at McDonalds....

She’s got the I grew up middle class’ speech. She’s got the ‘I worked at McDonalds speech’. She’s got the ‘Donald Trump handed us a mess’ bit....

And as useless as they are- and as bad as they make her look.....now let me point out something that i don’t think anyone else is pointing out:

Folks...even her downloaded responses are lies! Kamala Harris-did not-grow up middle class. Kamala Harris-did not-work at McDonalds.

Donald Trump-did not- leave them a mess...

Isn’t that something?

Even the efforts to make Kamala Harris seem more relatable to voters while giving her a technique to avoid answering any questions is littered with lies.

Now that’s remarkable.

I’ve never seen anything quite like it- or quite like this totally empty vessel that the democrats are running for president this year. And if voters fall for it- it’ll be a brutal loss for the country.

That’s why it’s great to see even undecided voters who-want- to vote for her saying, ‘well, now she’s just insulting my intelligence’...

And being honest as they say, ‘she’s still not giving us anything...and it makes me believe she doesn’t know anything.’

Good. Because we need- all- democrat and swing voters to feel that way before they trot off to vote.

People are realizing her rehearsed, handler-approved answers aren’t really answers at all. To any question that’s’ been asked....and it’s starting to get insulting.


Now add in a few condescending fake accents and a few cackles...and we’ve got this thing won.

I understand my own biases and those of others...and I’m not a Pollyanna on the polls- or pollsters. I understand Rasmussen polling is over-juicing their republican samples... But...I saw a snippet from two of their lead pollsters yesterday …who are doing the polling this week-that’s going to be released next week.

Get it?

It takes several days of polling-the week before-in order to put out a poll-this Tuesday-that says, ‘Kamala’s up in the swing states due to the debate’.


Well, these guys are doing this week’s polling and saying-when it’s released next week-it’s going to show Kamala Harris’ numbers starting to tank.

I don’t know exactly what they mean by that. And i don’t know if it’s a reaction to the second assassination attempt on Donald Trump...or whether it’s because undecided voters are getting weary of Kamala’s vapid nonsense...

But-according to Rasmussen’s pollsters-who are doing this constantly-as a never-ending string of being in the field and polling-Kamala Harris’ numbers are going to take a hit next week.

photo credit: Getty Images

audio version of the segment here > Undecided voters are getting insulted by Kamala's word salads

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