Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


More Biden-Harris Inflation: Health Plan Costs To Rise 5.8% In 2025

As healthcare costs continue to skyrocket, medical industry analysts now forecast that health plan costs are set to rise in 2025, by at least 5.8%.

"It might go up only 6% for those bigger companies, but I'm seeing 10, 20, and 30%" said Dr. Bill Hennessey, CIO of Care Guide advocates, who help Americans deal with out of control medical costs.

And if the increase in health care premiums isn't bad enough coming out of the holidays, most companies are planning on shifting the financial burden back on their employees.

"It's unsustainable" Dr. Hennessey told KTRH, "Every Christmas you get demoted, your health insurance goes up more than the raise you didn't get. So, the financial misalignment's between the brokers and the carriers is a problem."

A problem that unfortunately is only getting worse.

"No one can tolerate a premium increase" noted Hennessey, "If you have a carrier plan, a family of four nationally has an average of a $6,000 deductible. That's a bug pure profit stream, 80% of us never meet our deductible."

There is one solution. Dr. Hennessey points out that there are now health care 'bundles' on the market that include teledoc, blood work, and more for around $50 to $70 a month, so you can actually receive health care.

Save money for medical expenses concept,Save money for medical ,medical fee

Photo: krisanapong detraphiphat / Moment / Getty Images

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