Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


VOTE PA: Representative in Congress BERKS COUNTY

Polls opened at 7 a.m. and will close at 8 p.m. Voters who requested mail ballots but wish to vote in person are advised to bring all the materials to their polling place. Those who requested a mail ballot but did not receive it can still vote using a provisional ballot. Voters casting their ballots for the first time or for the first time since changing addresses are required to bring proof of identification.

In addition to nonpartisan poll workers, voters may encounter partisan poll watchers who are sanctioned to observe polling places. Voters who have completed mail ballots can still drop them off today by 8 p.m. However, some satellite offices and drop boxes may close before then.

Election officials are warning the public to be patient, as it may take days to have unofficial results depending on how close the races are. The Associated Press will begin reporting results when the polls close at 8 p.m.


Vote here sign with an American flag to vote for elected government officials.

FIND YOUR POLLING PLACEPhoto: Carol A Hudson / iStock / Getty Images

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