Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


Danny Pintauro from "Who's the Boss?" Almost Died After a Scooter Accident 

Remember Danny Pintauro from "Who's the Boss?" Well, he didn't have the happiest Thanksgiving. In fact, he ALMOST DIED.



It all started with a scooter accident Thursday night. He said, quote, "The bike lane I was riding in was suddenly blocked with cones and I was forced to choose between a van and a pylon. The pylons hurt!"



Danny injured his arm, but by Friday morning he was feeling better. On Saturday, though, he developed some serious pain in his chest, stomach, and shoulders, and he was having trouble breathing.



He went to the hospital and found out he had an infection in his bloodstream from a tear in his stomach lining. He needed emergency surgery, and he says if he'd waited any longer, he could have died.



Danny is still in the hospital, but hoping to be released soon.


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