Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


Jenny's Weekend in Five Pics: 1/3 - 1/5

I took our Christmas decorations down this weekend. We take them down pretty quickly after Christmas but since we were gone for most of the holidays, this was the first chance I had to do it. It's always bittersweet.

I went to the gym in the middle of the afternoon on Saturday, usually the Saturday rush is gone by then but there were quite a few people there. Love to see all the new faces in the gym!

Our fridge was almost empty so we did something we don't normally do, went to Costco on a Saturday.

I got up for an early morning workout on Sunday and afterwards hung out at a Starbucks to get some work done. The pistachio drinks are back and I got the pistachio cold brew. I do one less pump of vanilla and light salted brown butter, otherwise it's a little too sweet for me.

Sunday afternoon I watched the Packers game. I walked on my walking pad most of the 4th quarter when the game finally got somewhat interesting. This was the moment that I thought the Packers had won.... but that was not the case, wah wah.

A pretty low key weekend for me but I needed it after spending the holidays out of town and then living in our camper van for the week after that. It felt good to sleep in our bed and have access to running water/a toilet this weekend haha. Hope you stayed warm and if you didn't do much like me, hey, it's winter! That's okay!

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Manchester–Boston Regional Airport

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