A Georgia boy was hospitalized with severe burns after his friends allegedly threw scalding water on his face as a sleepover prank, the New York Post reports.
The boy's mother, Tiffany West, said her son was sleeping at their neighbor's apartment when his three friends conspired to prank him. The group allegedly poured hot water on the boy, which left him with second-degree burns.
The 12-year-old was taken to a burn center in Augusta where he underwent surgery. He is now recovering at home.
The three boys, ranging from ages 12 to 15, were arrested, but later released as they await court hearings set for next month.
The boy’s aunt, Nachelle Austile, said the incident left the 12-year-old feeling "numb."
“You got to be in shock to know your friends are capable of doing this to you. Like somebody you trusted, it’s just horrible. He never thought something like this would happen to him,” Austile said.
The aunt said her nephew would likely need counseling to be able to recover from the incident and “be able to trust people again.”
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