Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


CNN’s Scared (& Should Be)

Dave Bowman is back with us for the day and in hour three Dave Does History has us looking at the presidential transition process and the abuses that can (and have) occurred.

CNN may very well be shaking in its shoes. The next lawsuit versus a media outlet is against CNN and the trial, and therefore the jury, is in Florida. Many Americans have had it with the legacy media feeling we have been lied to and subjected to a political agenda damaging to the country’s best interests. Potential jurors questioned for this trial were not bashful about their opinions of CNN.

We are learning more about January 6th (not this one, 2021’s) and it’s damning for the Democrats and the DOD. This time out, Kamala Harris had to preside over her own election loss.

President Biden is heel bent on carrying out his enviro-terrorism to the very end. Water heaters and oil drilling are the latest targets. Not to worry, President Trump returns to office in 13 days.



The next media lawsuit is in FL


Jan 6- not this one, the last one

Harris presides over her own loss

Biden- enviro-terrorism to the end

Biden- more enviro-nonsense (oil drilling ban)

Not to worry, Trump’s about to take office

Trump sentencing set- jail time unlikely


Brevard’s exercise in futility


Trudeau hangs it up

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