Lend A Helping Can

Lend A Helping Can

Lend a Helping Can raises money for 12 New England charitable agencies to feed the Needy and Homeless.


Strange things that can get flagged by TSA

Man passes though Transportation Security Administration TSA security checkpoint at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport

Photo: David Tran / iStock Editorial / Getty Images

Photo Credit: Getty Images

If you enjoy being patted down by strangers in blue rubber gloves, do everything on this list the next time you fly.

An expert in airport management and security came up with a list of unexpected things that can get you flagged by the TSA.


1.  Being dressed wrong for the weather. Like having way too many layers on in summer. It could mean you're trying to hide something.

2.  Yawning a lot. He says "when people are stressed, they tend to want more oxygen."


3.  Not making eye contact. It's another sign you're nervous and have something to hide.


4.  Being extra chatty with them. It can get you patted down because they might think you're trying to distract them.


5.  Using way too much cologne or perfume. They might think you're trying to mask the smell of drugs.


6.  Arguing or being aggressive. It's a sure-fire way to get some extra attention. They might search you just to punish you for being a jerk. So stay calm, and just get through the line.



(Fox News)

Getty Images

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