LELAND CONWAY POPS IN TO TALK ABOUT A BAD GUN BILL Many of you know Leland from his time on KHOW but he also has a full time gig with a company called Delta Defense and is testifying today on behalf of the US Concealed Carry Association. What is testifying against? What this poster called the most draconian gun law in the United States. Read this for more background:
Leland joins me at 12:30 before he heads to the Capitol to testify. I hope cooler heads prevail on this one.
HOW IS THE BUSINESS CLIMATE IN COLORADO? The good news is we're not deteriorating further but the bad news is we've crashed in terms of free enterprise since 2011. I've got Kelly Caufield from the Common Sense Institute on at 1 to discuss their latest Free Enterprise Report. It's not good, but it could be worse I suppose. You can read it here.
DEMOCRATS DON'T CARE ABOUT HIGH EGG PRICES REALLY Because Rep. Ryan Gonzalez filed a bill to repeal the egg free requirement. This is what happened.
Just for fun, I used the Walmart app to check prices in five different states. These are the cheapest prices for a dozen large eggs in each state:
Florida: $4.17
Wyoming: $4.53
Michigan: $4.53
Kansas: $4.17
Colorado: $7.42.
Democrats in Colorado are lying when they say they want to save you money because they could have put 3 bucks in your pocket for every dozen eggs if they wanted to. That's real money over a year.
MIKE JOHNSTON HAS BEEN SUMMONED TO DC Congress is looking into Sanctuary Cities and we all know Denver sits atop that list. Remember this stunt during the first Trump Administration:
I went back in time and found this Denverite article from February 2018 about what was happening when the banner was hung, and read this bit:
Thursday was a busy day for immigration news. That morning, the president of the Denver Police Protective Association testified before a U.S. House of Representatives committee that a city policy limiting police interaction with federal immigration officials was hampering officers' ability to address the opioid epidemic. Also, multiple immigration proposals were quashed in the U.S. Senate.
Now Congress is demanding the Mayor show up to testify before a committee on why Denver won't cooperate with federal law enforcement.
Kyle Clark says the Mayor is "non-committal" about appearing. Mmkay, let's see how that works out.
CAN WE TALK ABOUT THIS CHINESE AI FOR A MINUTE? I heard Ross talking about Deep Seek, the new AI from China and how it's revolutionized AI and now everyone can't wait to download it and are we no longer concerned about China having our stuff? Because this AI takes EVERYTHING you do on your computer. They don't even try to hide it. Check this out.
I feel like it was a hot minute ago we were worried about China taking our stuff and feeding us propaganda via TikTok and now we're all downloading an app that ADMITS it takes all your data? Oh, and don't ask it about Tiananmen Square. Just look at this thread.
We should be more concerned about this but HEY IT'S NEAT AND SHINY!
COLORADO'S JOBS NUMBERS ARE UNRELIABLE And the Bureau of Labor and Statistics says they won't use our data until we fix the issues. This article doesn't cover the underlying issues, but I found one that gives a bit more information but the root cause of the issue is a new computer system for unemployment insurance that has screwed up a bunch of stuff. My question is why aren't the vendors of that system working non-stop to fix it? Just asking. Our salaries went up last year, but not nearly as much as they went up other places. Have we hit Peak Colorado?
TRUMP BANS TRANS TROOPS I've often wondered how someone who has to take daily medication in order to maintain the appearance of having changed gender would be deployable. Non deployability is a huge issue for the Military, because if you can't go fight you become dead weight. Most non-deployability issues are temporary but needing daily meds to maintain your gender is a permanent condition. Trump's order did mention deployability. From the order:
Sec. 2. Policy. It is the policy of the United States Government to establish high standards for troop readiness, lethality, cohesion, honesty, humility, uniformity, and integrity. This policy is inconsistent with the medical, surgical, and mental health constraints on individuals with gender dysphoria. This policy is also inconsistent with shifting pronoun usage or use of pronouns that inaccurately reflect an individual’s sex.
It's funny how people are outraged by this but didn't seem to mind when a bunch of people who were deployable got kicked out of the military for not taking the Covid shot.
THIS IS HOW A SCHOOL HANDLES AN UGLY INCIDENT CORRECTLY We've seen so many districts handling things poorly that I want to give some space to a school that handled an awful situation just beautifully. A coach for the Lotus Academy basketball team has been suspended and will hopefully be fired for bringing politics and unsportsmanlike conduct to a high school basketball game. The game was against Denver Academy of the Torah and the coach not only chose to put up a Palestinian flag, he also refused to shake hands with the other team's coach. Lotus Academy sprang into action when this was reported and immediately took action that included a visit to Denver Academy of the Torah for a conversation and community building. They were completely transparent about EVERYTHING. This is how you do it.
DON'T FORGET TO OPT IN TO GET YOUR TINY TABOR REFUND Because God forbid they just give you your money back without making you do something extra. Read this for more.
HOW MUCH WILL GREEN ENERGY COST YOUR FAMILY? It's a lot more than you might think. Read this about what you can expect to pay as we transition to unreliable wind and solar.
CONGRATS TO REP. BRITTANY PETTERSON On the birth of her new baby boy. May her growing family be full of happiness and good health.
AURORA OFFICIALLY MAKES CAMPING REALLY HARD By doing away with the notices to clean up a homeless encampment AND the requirement that shelter must be available before an encampment sweep. This brings them in line with the recent Supreme Court ruling and definitely out of step with Denver's more generous programs. My guess is a lot of the hardcore urban outdoorsman will simply move to Denver but that isn't Aurora's problem.
STARBUCKS IS CRACKING DOWN ON LOAFERS Starbucks has had to reinvent it's bathroom and store use policies because homeless drug addicts were taking advantage of them and scaring off actual paying customers. No more, says Starbucks, and they are even installing "panic buttons" in stores so employees have some means to call for help is someone comes in to squat without buying something. This is all part of the push to create a "community coffee house" again by Starbucks. I don't think any of this is unreasonable.
WHO DID THIS? this is freaking hilarious, it's bunch of fake Executive Orders.
SCOTT JENNINGS IS AT IT AGAIN We should just let him and JD Vance be the spokespeople for everything right now.
DON'T USE AI TO WRITE YOUR LEGAL BRIEF Because it seems they are rife with AI "hallucinations" or stuff that is just made up out of whole cloth. The court is not amused and took special time to put other self represented plaintiffs on notice to check their work before filing or face sanctions.
YES, TRUMP HAS FLOODED THE ZONE And Greg Gutfeld lays it out here perfectly.
AND HE'S TURNED ON THE WATER FOR CALIFORNIA I'm telling you, Trump may flip California all by himself. Read this column about how Trump just ended almost two decades of water mismanagement in California by putting people over smelt. It's really amazing. This is all really amazing. It would be nice if Colorado Democrats would put people over chickens but here we are.
BOTH MEN AND WOMEN PREFER YOUNGER PARTNERS And I'm guessing part of this is because women have more fiscal autonomy now than ever before, so they need for an older man to take care of them is reduced. This story has more. I honestly just want someone who gets my pop culture references.
JOHN FETTERMAN SCHOOLS THE VIEW I like him even more every time I hear him talk
HOW TO MAKE THE PERFECT SNOWBALL This is very clever. Watch below or click here.
AW, THESE JOSH ALLEN CLIPS ARE SO SAD Four years of clips after losing to the Chiefs. Watch below or click here.
WILL MICROSOFT BUY TIKTOK? That's what Trump says but we'll see.
JIM ACOSTA IS OUT AT CNN But if a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to see it, does it make a sound? Read more here.
WHY PHILLY FANS ARE AWFUL I have a few wonderful friends who are Philly fans but they are the exception to this rule.