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Group seeks info on monarch sightings in Georgia, South Carolina

SAVANNAH, Ga. (WSAV) – Understanding migration and overwintering behavior is crucial to conserving monarchs, a candidate for listing under the Endangered Species Act, the Georgia Department of Natural Resources (DNR) said.

That's why the group Monarchs Overwintering in the Southern States (MOVERS) — a partnership of universities, agencies and other organizations — is asking for the public's help in reporting butterfly sightings during the winter.

"You delivered before. Now we need your help again," the DNR said.

Dr. Sonia Altizer, a University of Georgia ecology professor and director of Project Monarch Health, said the information you submit can help scientists determine if these butterflies can spend the winter as non-breeding adults in the southern U.S.

The monarch butterfly may not be endangered, but their migration is

Scientists will look at how this might affect future population numbers and document how winter-breeding activity might affect their annual migration to Mexico.

The public is encouraged to report all monarch sightings (including adults, eggs, larvae and pupae) from November to March in Georgia and the Carolinas, as well as Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas.

How to take part

Observations can be submitted either through the Journey North online data portal or by using iNaturalist (via the website or app):

Visit journeynorth.org/reg:

  1. Create a free account
  2. Learn how to report monarch sightings (journeynorth.org/monarchs)
  3. November-March, submit monarch observations at journeynorth.org/sightings

Visit inaturalist.org:

  1. Create a free account
  2. November-March, submit report monarch observations using your web browser or phone app
  3. If you want season updates, join the iNaturalist monarch winter project: inaturalist.org/projects/

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