What a week!
We saw the Phoenix rise! Marvel Studios gets its Oscars. Power Rangers comes back this weekend. We get to meet our new Superboy for Titans. PLUS we learned that Will Smith is hanging up his gun for the next Suicide Squad. All this and more in the Geek Freak of the Week...but first some congratulations is in order!
Both Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse AND Black Panther are now Oscar Winners! Sony's Spider-Verse took home the big prize in its category: Best Animated Feature (beating out the popular and favored to win Incredibles 2) while Marvel Studio's Black Panther took home Best Costume Design, Best Original Score, and Best Production Design. Black Panther was up for Best Picture, however that was awarded to The Green Book.
Hey, that's three more Oscars that Marvel Studios never had and one more to add to Sony's collection.
The Phoenix Rises!
I'll say what you are thinking. ABOUT FREAKING TIME THIS TRAILER ARRIVED! Between the 20th Century Fox/Disney buyout deals, the reshoots for this film, AND the amount of times they have pushed the release of this movie further and further into 2019, I was getting the impression this movie would just be canceled, actors would get paid, and we see an X-Men reboot in a few years under the Marvel Studios banner. I'm happy to share that doesn't seem to be the case! Alright...watch the trailer and then we can break it down.
And you thought you were having a bad day. Jean Grey (Sophie Turner) is really down in the dumps dealing with her Phoenix powers. Also, this just about confirms that Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence) doesn't survive this film. I was kind of hoping for Deadpool to show up...but hey, maybe save that for the movie itself!
Dark Phoenix enters into theaters June 7th (unless they move it again....)
In the Sky! It's A Bird...No Wait....A Plane! It's Superboy!
Along with Krypto the Superdog coming to Titans...we now have a Superboy! Australian actor Joshua Opin has been cast to play Connor Kent when Titans returns. And no, the Boy of Steel won't be in just a few episodes. Superboy is staying on as a series regular. This is starting to remind me of Young Justice a bit?
Power Rangers Is Here
Go go new season of Power Rangers! Ok first...a couple of things
- If you're reading this on Friday: TOMORROW 8AM ON NICK!
- If you are reading this on Saturday: 8am is coming! You have to put it on! or.....Did you miss it?! You at least set the DVR right?
- If you are reading this on Sunday: Well...did you watch it?!
I think the theme song can make or break a TV show. This one....eeeehhhhhh. This is the best you can do Hasbro? First try listening to it... I wasn't thrilled. Second time I got use to it, but it still doesn't sit right with me. It sounds rushed. I may have had higher expectations....however this is Hasbro's first go at the series so I will let it pass. At least they left the "Go Go Power Rangers" in it.
If you have the time, compare this one to the songs of seasons past by clicking here! Granted, most are great, some seasons (cough Operation Overdrive) are downright terrible.
Will Smith Out!
Did all the Genie backlash get to him? Looks like Will Smith won't be returning as Deadshot in the next Suicide Squad. Does this mean he will be recast or left out entirely? Too early to tell right now so more to come I'm sure. The sequel to Suicide Squad, currently titled THE Suicide Squad, is due out in 2021.
DC Is Going Solo!
For its movies that is. We've seen enough Batman and Superman movies and other versions of them (TV, animated and so on). Plus, the CW is starting a Batwoman series...you know they will introduce Batman in that! Look, DC tried the Marvel way and we saw what happened. The reason it worked for Marvel: no one knew their heroes that well and needed each others movies to build on their characters. DC doesn't need that. Most fans KNOW who the DC heroes are thanks to the animated series from the 90's and 2000's. As we saw in Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and most likely in Shazam coming up in April all the solo movies for DC do better because it's fresh and new! So why attempt something else? Focus on individual movies then team up later. In fact, I would almost like to see everyone but Batman and Superman have a team up movie just to see how they do without them. Wonder Woman and Shazam are both similar to Superman and you can have Cyborg and the Flash tackle the whole tech and scientist angle. Toss in Blue Beetle, Hawkman, another version of Green Lantern, Power Girl and call it a day!
As you can tell, I am on board with this! I'd rather see awesome movies with a great plot, easter eggs, and character growth then have a forced plot and bad acting . I'm rooting for you DC, I really am! DO IT RIGHT THIS TIME!
I think we should end it there. It's good to be a geek! That's it for this week. Until next time. I'm Maz and that's the Geek Freak of the Week!! say it with me: brought to you by no one.
Oh! before I forget...this was tweeted by David F. Sandberg...the director of Shazam! New trailer this Monday!